
Airports vary from Open Structure to Suspension Ceiling Structures. Pacific Acoustics can clean both ceiling system types for your Airport. See our Link to “Open Structures” for more information. A primary problem is the dust build up in Airports. Open Ceilings are cleaned with HEPA filter vacuums. All trusses, pipes, window frames, signs and decor are wiped down of dust and unwanted debris.

Suspension ceilings are vacuumed of soot at the returns and vents, then “spray cleaned” in place to help restore the color. Signage and any décor you request are cleaned for the facility as well. There are hundreds of Airports that have “Open Structure” ceilings that have dust build up that need to be restored. This is what we specialize in for you. Concerning open structures outside, exposed to the elements, are a needed item for cleaning and restoration.

Another item to clean is the “Jet Ways” to the aircraft. These walk ways can be cleaned inside and out. All Pacific Acoustics employees are E-verified, and eligible to work in the United States.

Give us a call or an e-mail if you have any questions or needs!